What Do You Do In Case Of Economic Collapse?

We talk a lot about just, you know, the market going down, going sideways, recessions, all these good things, but what are some ways to hedge against threats of that? We talked a little about insurance the other day and different stuff in that regard, but what is a good way to protect against threats…

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Friday Q and A: Did the Market Dip a Bit?

We do our Q and A videos on Tuesdays, the Macro and then we do them on Fridays. We do our Real Estate Q and A. It’s a question that we’re getting a little bit from the external crowd, which I guess is the consumer-based and everyone else. Then internally, we’re seeing a lot actually,…

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Tuesday Macro Q and A: Why do you hate stocks?

What’s going on, guys? Brandon here, Legacy Group Real Estate Team. We have your Macro Q and A. This week we have “Why do I hate stocks?” Why do you hate stocks? That’s the question I get all the time and we’re going to answer it here, now. The truth is I hate stocks because…

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Monday Motivation: Don’t Fall Into the Trap, Do the Hard Things

Hey, what’s up, guys? Brandon here, Monday Motivation. This is something that we just did a podcast on earlier, DO HARD THINGS. I’ve just been thinking a lot about just doing hard things. I don’t mean work or hustle or anything like that. I mean pushing to the limits, pushing to the boundaries, pushing yourself,…

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