What Do You Do To Hedge Yourself In Bad Times?

Stock options. Gold. Real estate. Rental property. These are all different hedges on the dollar. There are different things that you can do to short the dollar. The dollar has lost 93% of its purchasing power over the last hundred years. So what are you doing to make yourself money? Because everything that’s in the…

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What Do You Do In Case Of Economic Collapse?

We talk a lot about just, you know, the market going down, going sideways, recessions, all these good things, but what are some ways to hedge against threats of that? We talked a little about insurance the other day and different stuff in that regard, but what is a good way to protect against threats…

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The Trouble with a $5 Coke

I just wanted to give you a quick video about coke. Not the coke that you might be thinking about. I’m talking about cocaine. Just I’m completely joking. We’re talking about-didn’t even think I was gonna go that way, did you? We’re talking about the reason that we’re having so many issues right now and…

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Friday Q and A: Did the Market Dip a Bit?

We do our Q and A videos on Tuesdays, the Macro and then we do them on Fridays. We do our Real Estate Q and A. It’s a question that we’re getting a little bit from the external crowd, which I guess is the consumer-based and everyone else. Then internally, we’re seeing a lot actually,…

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Tuesday Macro Q and A: Why do you hate stocks?

What’s going on, guys? Brandon here, Legacy Group Real Estate Team. We have your Macro Q and A. This week we have “Why do I hate stocks?” Why do you hate stocks? That’s the question I get all the time and we’re going to answer it here, now. The truth is I hate stocks because…

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Monday Motivation: Don’t Fall Into the Trap, Do the Hard Things

Hey, what’s up, guys? Brandon here, Monday Motivation. This is something that we just did a podcast on earlier, DO HARD THINGS. I’ve just been thinking a lot about just doing hard things. I don’t mean work or hustle or anything like that. I mean pushing to the limits, pushing to the boundaries, pushing yourself,…

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