The Last Remnants of Privacy Slowly Dwindling
PRIVACY. Privacy is something that is a big hot topic, has been for the last few years. It’s going to continue to be, going to be more and more and more every day that goes by from here to the rest of the time. It’s something that this country has fought about. It’s somewhat the reason we left. The places that we did all the immigrants here is because of things like privacy and it’s something that is very paramount when we talk about things like artificial intelligence. You see, AI, any forms of AI, with virtual reality coming. Then things I want to touch on briefly today would be cash, money, gold.
Cash and Crime
These are the things that are going to be huge when, well, I mean they’re already here. I mean, there is an article from It’s from one of their writers there, but it’s just kind of illuminating exactly what’s going on right now. You know, when you think about it, if you take really probably any quantity of money, but you take it’s they say $10,000, but if you’re taking $10,000 cash in the bank or if you’re putting $10,000 in the bank, then it’s automatically flagged and the government knows about it. But there’s been reports over the last few years of that not being the case where, you know, if it’s $5,000 or $8,000 or $999, 999 people have done, then you get flagged immediately. Like one of the lines in here “when your call with cash on you.” There’s been a couple of cases just in the last year or so in the US where people were pulled over and found to have a bunch of cash in their car or they’re going through an airport and going through metal detectors and then were stopped and like quarantine basically putting it in isolation and their money was taken from them. A lot of cases the money was returned, but sometimes the money wasn’t returned. I mean, that’s truly incredible wherein just ever having large amounts of cash on you. You’re suspected of doing something wrong. This is not how the country is founded it and nor should it be the w
ay that it works.
So, it’s a talk that we have to have with obvious things like AI coming. Where did these lines get crossed? Where does privacy start and end? Obviously, with our lives and the way they run now with and again some incredible pieces of information just in this article talking about what Facebook is doing. They recently filed a patent to beef up and streamline. I quote the paper here, “the process of surreptitiously or listening to what your children are watching via the mic on your phone.”
Facebook’s Patent
You know, it’s incredible just what is going on and they, for some people, like a lot of it are marketing schemes and that’s fine. Many things where you’re trying to get the products in front of people and Facebook’s got, they’re all over the place. What they’re doing is funny because on one hand, they are doing a lot of things that are found to be silencing conservative voices. Basically people on the conservative end of the spectrum, which is not good. People shouldn’t be doing that. But it’s a private company so people can leave if they want. The other end of that is they are doing things that I laugh, you know, that’s not good. But then you have people on the other end that are complaining about the business side and the ad side and the marketing side.While Facebook’s goal is to keep you on their site as long as possible and they’re doing that by limiting the number of pages that you see, business pages and things like that because they want people staying on the site if they’re all just ad after ad after ad, people aren’t going to stay on the site anymore. So I find it funny when you have a lot of people, a lot of business people complaining about that because Facebook’s whole goal is to keep as many people on the site as possible in their attention there as long as possible. That’s why there are paid ads now that is literally the result of that, which is good. It makes sense if Facebook’s smarter to keep the attention they’re on themselves and keeping the eyeballs there. But again, like I said, some of the things we’re doing not good and we have to be cognizant of that, you know, we as people have to be cognizant of that.
Bitcoin, Crypto: How secure are these?
It goes into the title of this article is “Cash or at Least Appreciated Former Private Payment: AI’s Extinction.” All of the world trying to go to cashless societies. They’re eventually trying to do it here. The scary thing, you know, we have things like Bitcoin obviously and cryptocurrency, which is good. They have a huge positive and there also are some negatives. Being able to be tracked, things like that. People say that that’s not the case. Yet again, we just did a video the other day about the Russian spies that we tracked because they’re using bitcoin to buy VPNs, buy black, dark web servers, lease them from Malaysia. We found them because of their Bitcoin usage. So, it’s going to a digital society. Everything’s tracked. In the long run I guess, hopefully, good people are in power, you hope and pray because people are going to be more honest. I mean, you can’t, used to be for forever. Bad people could supply on the radar and not – you really didn’t know what they were doing. Now everyone’s gonna be exposed. It’s funny, it was either Robert Kiyosaki or Gary Vaynerchuk or somebody and they were talking about someday they are convinced that everything you’ve ever done in your life is going to come out about you like someone will tap into your thing and just expose everything you’ve ever written. Every word you’ve ever typed on the internet, somewhere on a phone, doesn’t matter. A picture you sent is going to be exposed and that may happen. So I think it’s very interesting because you’re going to have a society that is exposed and hopefully elevating the level of discourse as they’ve moved forward because we know that we’re being watched and there are different levels of being watched there. There’s big brother and then there’s society. My peers are watching me, so what’s it going to be? Which way are we going to go with it? I want it to go over just a few of the stats here and I don’t want to go too long here, but again, a lot of these videos we do are just to kind of get the conversation started and kind of talk about some of these things and in what’s coming towards us as a society.
Cashless Society: Is it feasible?
Over 10,000 of the 95,000 banks that existed in 2008 have closed, waiting for the bank teller to go away. Absolutely ATMs once themselves the vanguards of banking automation are following suit in the UK, 500 disappear every month. NBC forecasts that cash will be gone in the US by 2027. So what we’re just talking about, obviously a cashless society. You know, the one thing that’s scary about that is the governments – people in charge, whoever the power that’d be could just pause you like that. That’s the one thing that scares me about a cashless society. The thing that scared me of Bitcoin or cryptocurrency is things like Puerto Rico for instance. Down in the Caribbean, they have all these islands, a lot of them are still without power. How do you access your Bitcoin? How do you actually access your cryptocurrency?
Those are all the real things. This is why gold and silver, I talk about this right now. The cycle is down. It’s not some investment where you’re gonna get massively rich off of it. Is there a chance you could? Yeah, there’s a chance. But the point is insurance. It’s money insurance. It’s insurance that you’re not going to lose your wealth and you’re going to be able to do something if something happens. I mean people, people talk all the time, like that’s worst case scenario. Well, that just happened. These islands got wiped out. Literally just happened. So many people, like the guy that runs, has a home in Puerto Rico. It was damaged and there are people everywhere there that don’t have power. So this is real stuff, like absolutely real is happening. This isn’t pie in the sky, this is actually happening. So these are the things we have to think about. This is why hedging yourself and having some different buckets where you’re putting your assets is smart. That way if one goes down or two go down, you still have one or two over here that you can go pick from.
What is Facebook up to now?
Like I said before, they’re just going to talk about you’re basically considered a criminal. Now people look at you, the law looks at you as a criminal if you’re found carrying large cash, a large amount of cash on you. Just talking about the Facebook patent and then just kind of ransacking your life through your phone and just the ability that people have to go through your phone and to find information about you. So I want to see what you guys think about this. This is something that is very prominent in our life now. For some reason, a lot of it hasn’t happened yet where there hasn’t been a ton of big stories on it yet and they’re going to be more and more. I mean, obviously Facebook, Zuckerberg was under the scope here the last couple of months and it started to really kind of, I think have people started noticing these things. I think the more that happens, the more of these stories come out, the more it’s going to happen.
So in one hand, it’s kind of inevitable. People will think that life’s going to return back to the society we had 50 years ago or 100 years ago or whatever, and that’s not, that’s not what society does. It keeps progressing forward, but we have to understand how we’re handling this. Like I said, with AI, with our currency or cash digital society, with VR. How are we going to handle those things? How are those things going to be, the rules around them, the privacy around them, what is that going to look like? That’s the conversations that everyone needs to start having now before it’s too late.
Banks decide to work for cartels
Here, for example. There’s a story of HSBC laundering billions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels and terrorists that got and they got caught. The problem is the fines and penalties for doing these things, for collecting all the data and you really aren’t that big. A crime so vile and vast and directly tied to promoting the most extreme violence imaginable. Their penalty for that: five weeks of income and have executives partially to further bonuses. No wonder other banks decided to work for the cartels. Right? So it’s incredible. So then, they talk about, obviously, that’s, they’re talking about what are some things you can do. Gold, silver, you put them in some vaults, keeping them in vaults and keep them on hand, etc.
But the bigger story of that is real. It’s the privacy and the protection of what’s going on and being able to be outside the system and be able to live your life on your terms and not be under the finger of the government and them controlling you and able to pause you out of the system just like that. That is what we’re talking about. We’re talking about that here. We’re talking about AI and VR and what’s coming there. What are we going to give to AI? What are we gonna allow them to do? How far we’re going to let that go? How much are we gonna let that run our lives? Again, another big case, another big thing right now going on is the 3D printed guns and the First Amendment, mainly the first amendment issues there and the Second Amendment that is tied in with it as well. But these things are very real and these things are here now. A lot of them are still going to be unfolding more as the next decade or two next couple of decades unfold. But a lot of them are here now. These are talks that really aren’t being had.
Bill of Rights or Wrong
There was, I think it was a bill yesterday that was in the Senate. Fortunately, Mike Lee, one of the senators from Utah kind of stepped in and was just like, “What’s going on guys?” It was a bill that basically said it shall be unlawful – the first line of it basically read, I’m kind of paraphrasing but – it shall be unlawful for anyone to publish. He literally jumped down to the Senate floor and said that. I’ve not had adequate time to read this yet the very first line gave me pause and it should give everyone here in this Congress pause. He read that line and just said, you know, “Because of this, I object.” The point of this country is that we have these amendments, we have this Bill of Rights, we have these things that protect us from the government, not the other way around. I’ve heard some other day saying, “Well, the First Amendment does not protect you from this Federal law. “That’s exactly what the Bill of Rights is for, that’s exactly what the Constitution is for. They’re only, literally only to protect you from the federal government and to safeguard your rights. These are very real. These are very, very real. This is, I know it’s not fun stuff to talk about, but it’s very real. It affects all of us. It’s going to affect us more and more and more, more than we can ever imagine.
So, I appreciate you watching today. Like I said, these are to get the conversation started and get people thinking. I appreciate you watching, listening and I hope that you got something out of it and hope it makes you think a little bit. If you have heard of some of this stuff, please let me know. Share your comments and I know a lot of you direct message me and texting me and emailing me like I always say. But if you could please throw them in the comments, that way we can start conversations on here and treat them as a more of a forum and discussion board. So thank you, guys. Appreciate your time and we look forward to seeing you soon.